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Body Hydration

Body Hydration

Hydro-nutritive cosmetics for body skincare, specific for body hydration.

For dehydrated skin.


Body Hydration Products

Hand Repair Serum

Our silky hand serum combines the most potent anti-aging, moisturizing, and repairing properties, meticulously formulated to meet the unique needs of dry and irritated hands exposed to daily dryness.

Its innovative formula includes key ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, jojoba or vitamin E, enhancing its benefits.



Daily use is recommended for best results. It is essential to apply the serum regularly to the areas most affected, ensuring even coverage and gentle absorption. By following this routine, noticeable improvements will be visible within just a few days.

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Hydronutritive milk is a light cream that provides hydration for 24 hours in all parts of the body.

And the super moisturizer is a thicker cream specifically for feet, elbows, and knees.

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