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Internationally certified laboratory

Quality and environment

First cosmetic laboratory in Spain with HALAL certificate and products

We have the highest international accreditation, both for our laboratory, factory and cosmetic products.


Certificación ISO 9001
ISO 9001
ISO 14001
ISO 22716


Premios actualidad empresarial

Currently, Valquer is one of the cosmetic laboratories with the highest number of national and international quality certificates and awards achieved in Europe. Valquer Laboratorios' solid commitment to quality was consolidated in 2002, the year in which the company obtained its first ISO certification, specifically ISO 9001 in Quality Management, which highlights the company's ability to provide the client in an optimal and coherent way the cosmetic products and the services that he / she needs at all times.

Later, in 2010, Valquer obtained the ISO 14001 certification in Environmental Management Systems, positioning cosmetic laboratories as active promoters of environmental protection and pollution prevention.

The commitment and growth were solid and unstoppable, obtaining Valquer the following year, in 2011, the ISO 22716 certification in Good Manufacturing Practices, which accredits the company as a guarantor of the precepts required in Regulation 1223/2009 and as a manufacturing company of 100% optimal cosmetics in levels of management, planning, organization, control and that also guarantees the highest quality and safety in all its products.


At Valquer, it is not only important to develop vegan, innovative, natural and sustainable cosmetics; rather, we oblige ourselves day by day, to be able to do it with the least environmental impact.

To do this, we carry out important environmental measures, among which we highlight:

  • Specific plant for the treatment of effluents (industrial liquids), pouring clean water into public sanitation.
  • Photovoltaic panels, with which we produce our cosmetics, with up to 80% green energy.
  • Electric vehicles with up to 3 sockets, to charge their batteries.
  • Continuous recycling of paper, plastic and cardboard, with companies authorized for this purpose.

In addition, our firm commitment to R & D & i, leads us to continue promoting the launch of sustainable, natural and innovative cosmetics, which allow the reduction and / or elimination of plastic (zero waste).