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Laboratory and factory since 1975

and factory since 1975

Modern and avant-garde laboratory and factory with more than 16,000 m2 and 25,000 m2 of land

Valquer researches, develops and manufactures high-end cosmetic and hair products for the pharmacy, hairdressing, aesthetics and perfumery sectors.

Valquer Laboratorios has been developing and manufacturing cosmetics and hair since 1975. In 2010 it invested in a new, modern and avant-garde automated plant, currently located in Villaminaya (Toledo). Currently, it has more than 16,000 m2 and 25,000 m2 of land.

With regard to its cosmetic research laboratory, Valquer has the latest generation of people and technical resources, capable of developing the most innovative cosmetics. Proof of this are its different international accreditations and innovation awards.

At a production level, Valquer Laboratorios has specific machinery for both the manufacture, packaging and conditioning of cosmetic products, hair, dyes and perfumes. With the new plant, all cosmetic and hair manufacturing processes were automated, through automatic work-flows. Currently the maximum capacity estimated at the current plant is 15 million kg per year. For this, we can detail the different equipment of:


Auxiliary equipment



Since June 2021, we produce all cosmetics with up to 80% green energy (photovoltaic panels). We are highly aware of and committed to caring for the environment. In addition to complying with the regulations, we carry out different environmental measures:

  • Treatment of water and industrial liquids
  • Solar panels as an energy source
  • Charging point for electric cars
  • Digitization of documents, minimizing paper consumption