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Laboratory and factory since 1975


Cosmetics laboratory since 1975, with a presence in more than 65 countries

Valquer researches, develops and manufactures high-end cosmetic and hair products for the pharmacy, hairdressing, aesthetics and perfumery sectors.

Natural and sustainable cosmetics

Laboratorio de Valquer
Instalaciones de Agua Valquer
Maquina para fabricación de Cosméticos

Since its foundation in 1975, Válquer Laboratorios has researched and developed the highest quality cosmetic products, offering dynamic and innovative responses for the professional sectors of hairdressing, aesthetics, pharmacy and others closely related to beauty and dermal (body) and hair health.

An example of the progressive, continuous and solid growth of Válquer in recent years is the internationalization of the company, which is currently present in more than 65 countries. This and other facts, together with the investment in the new and avant-garde plant of more than 16,000m2, where the factory and the cosmetic laboratories are installed, allow us to affirm that we are facing one of the manufacturing companies with the greatest scientific activity in R&D + i of innovative cosmetics, showing a great projection for the future, profitability and stability.

Guarantors of the commitment acquired by the company with its collaborators, are the numerous quality certificates and awards that guarantee Válquer Laboratorios, among which we can highlight the following:

Furthermore, Valquer Laboratorios not only innovates top-level cosmetics and hair, but also carries out important policies and measures of a social and environmental nature; thereby fostering trust between collaborators and professionals, in order to satisfy both personal and professional expectations of each one of them.

Our Dream (Objective): « To create a safe Company, where we are very happy to develop cosmetic products of great value and that these are perceived by our clients » .

In addition, that we are recognized for treating very well both:

  • Customers
  • Workers
  • Providers
  • Society
  • To the capital (the partners)

Being sustainable and inspiring others. “

Mission: “Innovate high-value vegan cosmetics, making our clients’ businesses more profitable.”